
Showing posts from July, 2024

Two Grammar Errors in NYSC Anthem

As a current NYSC corp member who got inaugurated recently, I examined the lyrics of the NYSC Anthem. The line that caught my attention was the third line in the first verse: "Under the sun or in the rain." 📌 The phrase "under the sun" should be corrected to "in the sun." "Under the sun" is an idiom meaning "on earth" or "in existence," used to emphasize a large number of something. This meaning does not correlate with the context of the anthem.  For example: 1. The library had every book under the sun on its shelves. 2. There is nothing new under the sun. 📌 On the other hand, "in the sun" refers to being exposed to sunlight or being outdoors in sunny weather, which fits the context of the anthem. For example: 1. They spent the afternoon relaxing in the sun at the park. 2. The flowers thrive in the sun, blooming beautifully. 📌 Secondly, in the last stanza, the first line "Far and near" should be correcte...